
Prof. María Pérez Ugena

Full professor of constitutional law
Speech topic: Artificial intelligence and equality Full professor of constitutional law at Rey Juan Carlos University, with three six-year research periods and one transfer period recognised. She is part of the Gender Feminism Research Group of the URJC as well as the Teaching Innovation Group for the inclusion of gender studies in university degrees (2022). Her main current lines of research are: gender equality; arbitration and mediation; law; and technology. She has worked on issues related to equality in different areas from a constitutional perspective. She has published two monographs in sole authorship: "Equality between women and men" (2015) and “Legal tools for equality in sport. An analysis from a gender perspective” (2020). As well as several articles and book chapters on this topic. She has been collaborating on projects on equality for years: “The impact of Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for equality in access to new technologies. Ministry of Industry, Tourism, and Commerce (2008–2010), also on this matter, the project “Political Participation and Promotion of the Legal Status of Women in Mauritania. Bases for Democratic Integration" Community of Madrid (2006–2008)   In the field of ADRs, she is an arbitrator and general secretary of the Spanish Arbitration Society. She is a mediator and chairs the SEA Mediation Chamber. She has published and taught training on these subjects. In the field of law and technology, she is interested in the study of artificial intelligence and its legal implications. She participates in the DYDEMM/URJC Research Group.
01:10 - 01:30 PM Table-02

Tuesday 21 Nov. 2023

Artificial Intelligence and Equality #2