
Prof. Eva López Barrio

Coordinator of the Innovatia 8.3 Project of the Women's Institute
Speech topic: Transfer or co-create: The third mission of universities in terms of feminist economics. “Science-based companies and sustainability” Graduate in Economic Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela and Master in Foreign Trade Direction and Management. Since 2006 she has been responsible for the Woman Emprende Program. Since 2012 she has been the Emega Aid Tutor of the General Secretariat of Equality of the Xunta de Galicia. Since 2011, Coordinator of the Innovatia 8.3 Project of the Institute for Women and Equal Opportunities, which aims to develop a methodology for creating female university spin-offs, aimed at entrepreneurship support staff in the Offices of Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) from universities and research centers in Spain. She is co-author of the following tools: Procedures Manual, Emprende Igual Guide, Guide for the preparation of a business plan (http://innovatia83.es/). At CRUE Spanish Universities, Red Otri, she is part of the INDICATORS working group. She is an expert in the Quality control of European projects from the Gender perspective (IU Gender Equality Strategy (2020-2025). She was one of the experts of the RED.ES WORKING GROUP ON GENDER EQUALITY NON-DIGITAL SCOPE of the National Telecommunications Observatory for the SE (ONTSI) Red.es She was part of the Working Commission “Women in Innovation and Entrepreneurship” and was co-author of the Report: Women and Innovation prepared in December 2019 by the Women, Science and Innovation Observatory (OMCI). She is a participant and expert in the design of the National Strategic Plan for the Internationalization of Entrepreneurship, invited by the Women's Institute, working group: Women and Internationalization. She is an expert in different observatories organized by the Women and Science Unit of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. She is part of the Association of Women Researchers and Technologists of Spain. She is an expert and organizer within AMIT MIT of different spaces dedicated to innovation, transfer and the creation of technology-based companies. She mentors, among other programs, the Púlsar Program of the Everis Foundation, to promote scientific-technological vocations among secondary school students.
13:15 - 13:40 PM Table-06

Wednesday 22 Nov. 2023

Transfer or co-create: The third mission of universities in terms of feminist economics. “Science-based companies and sustainability”