Prof. Esther B. del Brío González
Professor at University of Salamanca and Senator
She holds a doctorate in Economics and commercial enterprise with an first rate USAL doctoral award.
Master in Finance from the college of Cambridge.
she is an professional in corporate governance, statistics theories, CSR, innovation, gender and economics. She has more than fifty high-impact courses, has given conferences and seminars at national and foreign universities, and has taught in numerous master's tiers in business and cultural and heritage management.
She is the author of the challenge towards gender violence “A kiss at the forehead” of the college of Salamanca, which includes a image novel, two traveling exhibitions, a theatrical version and a musical award for “Equality Alumni-USAL”.
She is also part of the ladies docs venture at the university of Salamanca or The forest of economy, a financial schooling mission for youngsters. She lately posted the e-book “economic Mosaics: Gender and financial system” to disseminate clinical outcomes on the invisibility of ladies within the economic system and the silent revolution that she has damaged with that invisibility.
She is also a Senator of the Senate of Spain. within the Senate he has held the positions of public carrier spokesperson (XII Legislature and deputy in the and XIV) and the observe Paper on the regulation of latest technological and disruptive realities in the XIV legislature.
She has additionally been a speaker for the popular parliamentary organization of draft laws 6/2020 regulating positive components of electronic consider services in the Senate of Spain, in addition to regulation 7/2020 on the virtual transformation of the financial gadget.
12:15 - 13:45
Jueves 5 Dic. 2024
Modera: Dª BEGOÑA MONTERO RODRÍGUEZ Abogada de Colegio de Abogados de Salamanca Profesora del Máster de Formación Permanente en Abogacía y Procura
- Violencia Sobre La Mujer. ¿Hasta Dónde Puede O Debe Llegar La Tutela Jurídica?
- La Pretendida Reconceptualización De La Violencia De Género Como Forma De Negacionismo
- La Invisibilidad De La Mujer En La Economía.
- Mujeres Mayores En Estado De Vulnerabilidad. Efectivo Acceso A La Justicia En Defensa De Sus Derechos
12:15- 13:45
Thursday 5 Dec. 2024
(In)Equality and Gender-Based Violence: Multidisciplinary Aspects
Moderator: Ms. Begoña Montero Rodríguez Lawyer, Salamanca Bar Association; Professor in the Master's Program in Permanent Training in Advocacy
- Violence Against Women: How Far Should Legal Protection Go?
- The Attempted Reconceptualization of Gender-Based Violence as a Form of Negationism
- The Invisibility of Women in Economics
- Older Women in Vulnerable Situations: Effective Access to Justice for Defending Their Rights
16:50 - 17:10 PM Table-07
Wednesday 22 Nov. 2023
The invisibility of women in the economy