Prof. Emilio Ferrero García
Researcher and Assistant Director of the Master's Program in Interdisciplinary Gender Studies, University of Salamanca
Jurist and PhD candidate at the University of Salamanca. Professor in the Master's program in Sexual Identity and LGTBI+ Diversity. Specializing in Constitutional Law, gender equality, and gender identity. Researcher in several R&D projects and research contracts (Article 60); author of several academic book chapters and articles.
16:30 - 18:30
Miércoles 4 Dic. 2024
Moderadora: Dª ASCENSIÓN IGLESIAS REDONDO Presidenta del Centro de Ayuda a Mujeres Víctimas de Violencia de Género «Plaza Mayor» de Salamanca, Presidenta nacional de la Unión de Asociaciones Familiares.
- La Entrevista Previa A La Víctima De Violencia De Género
- Género, Igualdad Y Derecho: Apuestas Para El Siglo Xxi
- Predicción Algorítmica Y Violencia De Género: El Caso Del Sistema Viogén
- La Visibilidad De La Mujer Como Fuente Experta En Los Medios De Comunicación
16:30 - 18:30
Wednesday 4 Dec. 2024
Recent Legal Developments in Gender Issues
Moderator: Ms. Ascensión Iglesias Redondo President of the Center for Supporting Women Victims of Gender-Based Violence “Plaza Mayor” in Salamanca; National President of the Union of Family Associations
- Pre-Interview with the Victim of Gender-Based Violence
- Gender, Equality, and Law: Proposals for the 21st Century
- Gender-Based Violence: Constitutional Aspects
- The Visibility of Women as Expert Sources in the Media