Prof. Dr. Pedro Álvarez Sánchez de Movellán
Professor of Procedural Law, University of León
Pedro Álvarez Sánchez de Movellán is an Associate Professor of Procedural Law at the University of León. At this university, he obtained his PhD and was awarded the Extraordinary Doctorate Award. He is the author of several monographs, including The Annulment of the Arbitral Award (1996), Evidence in Appeal under Law 1/2000, Civil Procedure Act (2001), and Evidence by Presumptions: Particular Reference to its Judicial Application in Cases of Extra-contractual Liability (2007). He has also contributed to various collective publications (most recently, Procedural Law on Insolvency, 2008) and has written numerous articles published in national and international journals.
In teaching, he has participated in the award-winning project “Pedagogical Action for Courtroom Simulation”, which is a reference in the field of innovation in legal education. Currently, he is the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Law. He has also occasionally performed judicial duties at the Provincial Court of León.
12:15 - 13:45
Jueves 5 Dic. 2024
Modera: Dª BEGOÑA MONTERO RODRÍGUEZ Abogada de Colegio de Abogados de Salamanca Profesora del Máster de Formación Permanente en Abogacía y Procura
- Violencia Sobre La Mujer. ¿Hasta Dónde Puede O Debe Llegar La Tutela Jurídica?
- La Pretendida Reconceptualización De La Violencia De Género Como Forma De Negacionismo
- La Invisibilidad De La Mujer En La Economía.
- Mujeres Mayores En Estado De Vulnerabilidad. Efectivo Acceso A La Justicia En Defensa De Sus Derechos
12:15- 13:45
Thursday 5 Dec. 2024
(In)Equality and Gender-Based Violence: Multidisciplinary Aspects
Moderator: Ms. Begoña Montero Rodríguez Lawyer, Salamanca Bar Association; Professor in the Master's Program in Permanent Training in Advocacy
- Violence Against Women: How Far Should Legal Protection Go?
- The Attempted Reconceptualization of Gender-Based Violence as a Form of Negationism
- The Invisibility of Women in Economics
- Older Women in Vulnerable Situations: Effective Access to Justice for Defending Their Rights