
Prof. Dr. Patricia Sanchez Holgado

President of AMIT of Castilla y León
Professor of Sociology and Communication. University of Salamanca. Patricia Sánchez-Holgado holds a PhD in Communication from the University of Salamanca (2021). She holds a degree in Advertising from the Complutense University of Madrid (2000), a Master's Degree in Teacher Training for Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (2020), a Master's Degree in Scientific Culture from the University of Oviedo (2019), a Master's Degree in Big Data from the Pontifical University of Salamanca (2017) and a Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (2007). She is an assistant professor at the University of Salamanca and a researcher member of the Audiovisual Content Observatory (OCA), a Research Group of Excellence and a Consolidated Research Unit of the Regional Government of Castilla y León (Spain) (https://www.ocausal.es/). She has extensive professional experience outside the academic field, working in companies in the communication and advertising sectors, among others. She is an active member of several professional associations and organizations: Spanish Association of Scientific Communication (AECC), Association of Political Communication (ACOP), Spanish Association of Communication Research (AE-IC), and Association of Women Researchers and Technologists (AMIT).
16:30 - 18:30

Wednesday 4 Dec. 2024

Recent Legal Developments in Gender Issues

Moderator: Ms. Ascensión Iglesias Redondo President of the Center for Supporting Women Victims of Gender-Based Violence “Plaza Mayor” in Salamanca; National President of the Union of Family Associations

  • Pre-Interview with the Victim of Gender-Based Violence
  • Gender, Equality, and Law: Proposals for the 21st Century
  • Gender-Based Violence: Constitutional Aspects
  • The Visibility of Women as Expert Sources in the Media