Prof. Dr. Javier García Amez
Professor of Criminal Law, University of Oviedo
Prof. Dr. Javier García Amez is a distinguished professor of Criminal Law at the University of Oviedo, specializing in various areas of criminal law with a focus on issues related to gender-based violence and its legal implications. He has made significant contributions to understanding the intersection of law, criminal justice, and social issues.
His research interests include the legal frameworks surrounding gender violence, criminal responsibility, and the protection of victims in the judicial process. He is particularly focused on the emerging challenges posed by new forms of criminal activity, such as cybercrime and crimes related to gender-based violence.
Areas of Expertise:
- Criminal Law
- Gender-Based Violence
- Cybercrime and Digital Criminal Justice
- Victim Protection in Legal Systems
Martes 3 Dic. 2024
Moderadora: PROFª. DRA. MARIBEL R. FIDALGO Profesora Titular de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad. Universidad de Salamanca
- Aspectos Procesales Sobre La Víctima Del Delito De Trata De Seres Humanos
- Factores Determinantes Y Estrategias De Prevención De Feminicidios
- Menores Infractores Y Violencia De Género: Un Análisis En El Ámbito De La Justicia Juvenil
- El Maltrato Animal Como Maltrado Psicológico Contra La Mujer
18:30 - 20:30
Tuesday 3 Dec 2024
Gender-Based Violence: Legal and Procedural Aspects
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Maribel Rodríguez Fidalgo Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, University of Salamanca
- Procedural Aspects of Victims of Human Trafficking Crimes
- Determining Factors and Prevention Strategies for Femicide
- Juvenile Offenders and Gender-Based Violence: An Analysis in the Juvenile Justice Sphere
- Animal Abuse as Psychological Abuse Against Women