Prof. Dr. Isabel Huertas Martín
Professor of Procedural Law at University of Salamanca
She earned her PhD in Law from the University of Salamanca with her doctoral dissertation titled The Defendant in Criminal Proceedings as the Object of Investigative and Evidentiary Acts, which received the highest distinction of Apto Cum Laude unanimously and was awarded the University's Extraordinary Doctoral Prize.
She has participated in various research projects and numerous courses, conferences, and seminars at both national and international levels.
Her notable publications include the monographs The Defendant in Criminal Proceedings as the Object of Evidence (1999) and The Incapacitation Process in Law 1/2000 of Civil Procedure: Procedural and Substantive Aspects (2002). She has also published articles in journals, such as "Some Aspects of Evidentiary Activity in Administrative Proceedings" (1999) and "Guarantees of Judicial Impartiality" (2010), as well as contributions to collective works on topics like judicial protection, gender violence mediation, and the presumption of innocence in cases involving particularly vulnerable victims.
She is a member of the IUDICIUM: Group of Procedural Studies of the University of Salamanca, recognized as a Group of Excellence in Castilla y León. She is also a co-researcher in the RED IBERPROCESO, focused on contemporary procedural law in Ibero-America.
From October 2004 to October 2013, she served as a Legal Advisor to the Constitutional Court.
She collaborates as an external evaluator for the National Agency for Evaluation and Foresight and various scientific publications, including the Spanish Journal of Constitutional Law and international legal journals.
Martes 3 Dic. 2024
Moderadora: PROFª. DRA. MARIBEL R. FIDALGO Profesora Titular de Comunicación Audiovisual y Publicidad. Universidad de Salamanca
- Aspectos Procesales Sobre La Víctima Del Delito De Trata De Seres Humanos
- Factores Determinantes Y Estrategias De Prevención De Feminicidios
- Menores Infractores Y Violencia De Género: Un Análisis En El Ámbito De La Justicia Juvenil
- El Maltrato Animal Como Maltrado Psicológico Contra La Mujer
18:30 - 20:30
Tuesday 3 Dec 2024
Gender-Based Violence: Legal and Procedural Aspects
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Maribel Rodríguez Fidalgo Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, University of Salamanca
- Procedural Aspects of Victims of Human Trafficking Crimes
- Determining Factors and Prevention Strategies for Femicide
- Juvenile Offenders and Gender-Based Violence: An Analysis in the Juvenile Justice Sphere
- Animal Abuse as Psychological Abuse Against Women