
Prof. Dr. Alicia García Holgado

Contracted Professor of Computer Engineering, University of Salamanca
Alicia García-Holgado is a Computer Engineer (2011), with a Master's in Intelligent Systems (2013) and a PhD (Cum Laude) (2018) in the same field. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Automation at the University of Salamanca. She has been a member of the GRIAL Research Group since 2009, where she currently leads the research line "Responsibility and Social Inclusion." She is an International Impact Researcher at the National University of San Agustín, Arequipa (Peru). She holds the position of Women's Representative in Computer Science at the Scientific Society of Computer Science in Spain and is the deputy coordinator of the CLEI Community (Latin American Center for Informatics Studies) for Latin American women in computing. Her research is focused on the development of technological ecosystems for knowledge management and learning processes in heterogeneous contexts, as well as the promotion of diversity and inclusion in STEM, with a particular emphasis on engineering and technology. She has participated as a technological support and coordinator in numerous regional, national, and international research projects. Currently, she is part of the coordinating team of the W-STEM project, a capacity-building initiative funded by the European Union, and is a researcher in the CreaSTEAM project, both aimed at creating inclusive spaces in education and reducing the gender gap in STEM. Additionally, she has been involved in the definition and development of a number of technological ecosystems, including the ecosystem designed to support the internal processes of the company Aqua Development Network and the knowledge management ecosystem at INAP.
12:00 - 14:00

Miércoles 4 Dic. 2024


Moderadora:  Dª ANA Mª HERNÁNDEZ MARTÍN Periodista. Servicio de Proyección Digital. Universidad de Salamanca

  • Inteligencia Artificial Y Perspectiva De Género
  • La Regulación De La Ia: Una Oportunidad En Materia De Derechos Humanos Para Las Mujeres
  • Educar En El Uso De La Inteligencia Artificial: Rompiendo Sesgos
  • Derechos De Las Mujeres Y Las Niñas: Como Reto De La Inteligencia Artificial
  • Políticas De Igualdad En La Universidad De Castilla-La Mancha. Última Novedades Normativas

12:00 - 14:00

Wednesday 4 Dec. 2024

Artificial Intelligence and Gender Perspective

Moderator: Ms. Ana María Hernández Martín Journalist, Digital Projection Service, University of Salamanca

  • Artificial Intelligence and Gender Perspective
  • Equality Policies at the University of Castilla-La Mancha: Latest Legal Developments
  • Educating on the Use of Artificial Intelligence: Breaking Biases
  • Women's and Girls' Rights: Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
  • AI Regulation: A Human Rights Opportunity for Women