
Prof. Coral Arangüena Fanego

Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Valladolid
Speech topic: New legislative proposals of the European Union within the framework of the Strategy for gender equality Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Valladolid, Permanent Member of the General Codification Commission (Fifth Section, Procedural Law) Full academician of the Royal Academy of Legislation and Jurisprudence of Valladolid. She is the director of the Consolidated Research Unit of Castilla y León (UIC120) and the Recognized Research Group of the University of Valladolid on Procedural Guarantees and the European Union. She is director of the Journal of the Association of Procedural Law Professors of Spanish Universities and member of the Editorial Board of six other Spanish and foreign legal journals. She has directed several European research projects and the National R+D+i Plan in the field of Procedural Law obtained in competitive processes; She currently co-directs the Criminal Process and European Union project. Analysis and Proposals
10:00 - 10:25 AM Table-05

Wednesday 22 Nov. 2023

New legislative proposals of the European Union within the framework of the Strategy for gender equality