
Prof. Ángela Suárez Collado

Associate Professor at the University of Salamanca
Prof. Ángela Suárez-Collado holds a BA in Political Science and Sociology from the University of Granada, a MA in International Mediterranean Studies and a PhD in Arab and Islamic Studies from the Autonomous University of Madrid. Before joining Salamanca University, she was a postdoctoral fellow at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg-Centre for Global Cooperation Research (Germany). Currently, she is Associate Professor at the University of Salamanca’s Political Science and Public Administration Area. Dr. Suárez-Collado has been a visiting researcher at Georgetown University, Oxford University, the College of Europe in Brugge and the Centre Jacques Berque pour le Développement des Sciences Humaines et Sociales au Maroc. She has participated in various national and international research projects conducted by different institutions, like the Autonomous University of Madrid, the University of Granada, the University of Pablo Olavide and the Institut de Recherche sur le Maghreb Contemporain.
13:15 - 13:45 Table-02

Friday 2 Dec. 2022

The Southern Mediterranean region after the Arab Spring: social justice and protest