
Marta García Cienfuegos

Speech topic: The international protection of refugees, the importance of the gender approach to identify protection needs and solutions Marta García Cienfuegos, Expert in international refugee law and international protection; Graduated in Law, (Autonomous University of Madrid); Graduated in Law from the UAM, she has a Diploma from the School of Legal Practice of the Complutense University of Madrid. She began working at the UNHCR Delegation in Spain in 1993 and from 2009 to the present she is responsible for the Protection Unit. Following the guidelines and priorities set by the High Commissioner, together with the Representative, She designs and coordinates the UNHCR response to support the Government of Spain in fulfilling its international commitments regarding asylum and international protection, developing, among others, specific recommendations on matters of legal protection, for access to the territory and the asylum procedure, inclusion and integration of refugees and their participation and empowerment, with a focus on gender, age and diversity. She leads a team of twelve people who work in Madrid in coordination with the UNHCR teams stationed at the entry points of people in need of protection, Ceuta, Melilla, Andalusia and the Canary Islands. Between March and June of this year she participated in UNHCR's emergency response to the February 6 earthquakes in Turkey, where a high number of refugees are located.
10:00 - 10:25 AM Table-01

Tuesday 21 Nov. 2023

The international protection of refugees, the importance of the gender approach to identify protection needs and solutions