
Hamid Hoseini

Spokesperson of IHRAS
Speech topic: Before and after life women freedom revolutionary in case of political and sociality Political prisoner during the previous regime due to his activities against the dictatorship and the monarchy system. He proactively participated in the 1979 revolution as a member of the country's leftist forces. When the theocracy of the Islamic Republic reached power and began to persecute parties critical of the regime, he had no choice but to lead an undercover life that lasted three years. At the end of these years, he had no choice but to choose the exile path. Spain was the country that gave him shelter as a refugee in 1983. Since then, he has dedicated himself to denouncing human rights violations in Iran and supporting interior democratic movements. He believes that the women's revolution of the Women, Life, Freedom movement has opened new horizons of hope for the Iranian people and the democratic movements fighting to give an end to the current theocracy and replace it with a democratic and secular rule of law.
6:10 - 6:30 PM Table-03

Tuesday 21 Nov. 2023

Before and after women life freedom revolutionary in case of political and sociality