Dr. Majid Pourostad
Academic | Lawyer & Arbitrator
Speech topic: "Canada's Lessons for Iranian Feminist Lawyering
Dr. Majid Pourostad, Ph.D. in Private Law, was Assistant Professor of Civil Procedure & Commercial Arbitration, Faculty of Law, IAUCTB, Tehran, Iran.
Having moved to Canada in 2014, He obtained the degree of Professional LLM in "International Business Law" from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto and then he also became "Visiting Scholar" at the same law School.
Currently, he is completing his "Articling Program" to be called to the Bar by The Law Society of Ontario.
5:25 - 5:50 PM Table-03
Tuesday 21 Nov. 2023
Canada's Lessons for Iranian Feminist Lawyering
18:00 - 18:30 Table of IRAN
Friday 2 Dec. 2022
The Role of Law Society in Promoting Social Justice, Why do dictators dislike lawyers?