
Carmen Seisdedos Alonso

Vice President of the Association of Women in the Public Sector
Speech topic: The situation of women in the public sector. Proposal to move forward Graduated in Educational Sciences (Pedagogy) from the University of Salamanca. She is an expert in Management and Evaluation of Occupational Training from the University of Seville. She has worked as head of service for the Junta de Andalucía linked to training, innovation, employment and gender projects in areas as different as the General Secretariat of Telecommunications and the Information Society, the Andalusian Women's Institute and the National Employment Institute. , among others. In addition, she has collaborated in research and courses with the Universities of Córdoba, Granada and Seville.   She is enthusiastic about the work carried out in public administration and committed to building teams as a formula to ensure innovation and improvement in our work. Since 2017 she has been deputy director of the Andalusian Institute of Public Administration. She has been Community Manager of the INAP SOCIAL Training community from 2017 to 2021. She has collaborated as a speaker at numerous conferences and conferences and has published articles in different magazines and collective works on human resources, training, learning and gender. She is vice president of the Women in the Public Sector Association. Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Professional Public Management. Founding Member of the recently created Andalusian Pedagogy Association. Novagob Excellence Award for Outstanding Women in the Public Sector in 2020. Finalist in the 2023 Novagob Awards in the Novagob Community category.
17:10 - 17:35 PM Table-07

Wednesday 22 Nov. 2023

The situation of women in the public sector. Proposal to move forward