Ascension Iglesias Redodo
National President of the Union of Family Associations
President of the Center for Help for Women Victims of Gender Violence "Plaza Mayor" in Salamanca,
Graduate in Philosophy and Letters and Diploma in Library Science and Documentation from the University of Salamanca. She has developed her professional activity mainly in teaching, as a professor of Language and Literature, and as a Documentalist, in the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Salamanca and giving courses financed by the European Social Fund.
She is a collaborator of the Master and Doctorate of Interdisciplinary Studies of Gender and Equality Policies of the University of Salamanca, and author of articles on equality between women and men, gender violence, associationism and education in equality in different publications.
In the associative movement she began as President of the AMPAS of Castilla y León. She is currently President of the Plaza Mayor Center for Assistance to Women Victims of Gender Violence in Salamanca, President of the Federation of Progressive Women of Castilla y León, Vice President of the Federation of Progressive Women and President of the Union of Family Associations.
16:30 - 18:30
Wednesday 4 Dec. 2024
Recent Legal Developments in Gender Issues
Moderator: Ms. Ascensión Iglesias Redondo President of the Center for Supporting Women Victims of Gender-Based Violence “Plaza Mayor” in Salamanca; National President of the Union of Family Associations
- Pre-Interview with the Victim of Gender-Based Violence
- Gender, Equality, and Law: Proposals for the 21st Century
- Gender-Based Violence: Constitutional Aspects
- The Visibility of Women as Expert Sources in the Media