Ana Rodriguez Garcia
Lawyer of the Advisory Council of the Principality of Asturias
Member of the Association of Women in the Public Sector (MSP)
Ana Rodríguez García is a lawyer at the Consejo Consultivo del Principado de Asturias (Advisory Council of the Principality of Asturias). She is an active member of the Asociación Mujeres en el Sector Público (Association of Women in the Public Sector), a group dedicated to promoting gender equality and empowering women within public administration.
In her legal career, she focuses on providing expert advice on various matters, particularly addressing issues related to gender equality, the legal protection of women, and combating violence against women. Rodríguez García also engages in public discussions, participating in interviews and events to share her expertise on justice and women's rights【32†source】【33†source】【34†source】.
12:00 - 14:00
Miércoles 4 Dic. 2024
Moderadora: Dª ANA Mª HERNÁNDEZ MARTÍN Periodista. Servicio de Proyección Digital. Universidad de Salamanca
- Inteligencia Artificial Y Perspectiva De Género
- La Regulación De La Ia: Una Oportunidad En Materia De Derechos Humanos Para Las Mujeres
- Educar En El Uso De La Inteligencia Artificial: Rompiendo Sesgos
- Derechos De Las Mujeres Y Las Niñas: Como Reto De La Inteligencia Artificial
- Políticas De Igualdad En La Universidad De Castilla-La Mancha. Última Novedades Normativas
12:00 - 14:00
Wednesday 4 Dec. 2024
Artificial Intelligence and Gender Perspective
Moderator: Ms. Ana María Hernández Martín Journalist, Digital Projection Service, University of Salamanca
- Artificial Intelligence and Gender Perspective
- Equality Policies at the University of Castilla-La Mancha: Latest Legal Developments
- Educating on the Use of Artificial Intelligence: Breaking Biases
- Women's and Girls' Rights: Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
- AI Regulation: A Human Rights Opportunity for Women