11:30 - 12:15

Inauguration of the Congress


Prof. Dr. Juan Manuel Corchado Rodríguez

Prof. Maria Inmaculada Sanchez Barrios

Caludio Javier Díaz Serrano

Carlos M. García Carbayo


Rosa María López Alonso

12:15 - 14:15

Institutions and Protection of Women

Moderator: Prof. Dr. María Inmaculada Sánchez Barrios, Director of the Equality Unit, University of Salamanca Academic Director of Congress

  • The Role of Equality Units in Combating Gender-Based Violence: The Case of the University of Oviedo
  • The City Council of Salamanca and Women's Protection: For Equality and Against Gender-Based Violence
  • Police Actions in Matters of Gender-Based Violence
  • Effectively Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women: Recent Legal Developments in the European Union
  • Legal Support from the University for Vulnerable Individuals

Prof. Dr. Paz Menéndez Sebastián

Miryam Rodríguez López

Prof. Dr. Montserrat de Hoyos Sancho

Isabel María Prieto Martín

Isabel María Prieto Martín

Prof. Dr. Arturo Álvarez Alarcón


Lunch Time

16:30 - 18:30

Human Rights and Women in the International Arena (I)

Moderator: Ms. Majedeh Bozorgi, Academic Secretary of the Congress, PhD candidate at USAL

  • From Margin to Centre: A Social Justice Approach to Women's Rights, Integrating Theory and Practice
  • Human Rights, Islam and Debates around CEDAW
  • International Policies and Human Rights
  • Human Rights and Forgotten Women in Afghanistan
  • The Situation of Women in Chinese Universities

Dr. Helen Maher

Prof. Roja Fazaeli

Mehrangiz Kar

Mehrangiz Kar

Obeidah Sharar Sharifi

Majedeh Bozorgi

Prof. Nan Nie

18:30 - 20:30

Gender-Based Violence: Legal and Procedural Aspects

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Maribel Rodríguez Fidalgo Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, University of Salamanca

  • Procedural Aspects of Victims of Human Trafficking Crimes
  • Determining Factors and Prevention Strategies for Femicide
  • Juvenile Offenders and Gender-Based Violence: An Analysis in the Juvenile Justice Sphere
  • Animal Abuse as Psychological Abuse Against Women

Prof. Dr. Isabel Huertas Martín

Prof. Javier Gustavo Fernández Teruelo

Dr. Irene Yáñez García Bernalt

Prof. Dr. Javier García Amez

Prof. Maribel Rodríguez Fidalgo

10:00 - 12:00

Human Rights and Women in the International Arena (II)

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Julio López Abán Professor of Parasitology, University of Salamanca; Member of the Equality Unit of USAL

  • The role of apologies in civil proceedings: Bridging two trends in the Western legal tradition
  • The role of mothers and women fighting for human rights and justice in the Islamic Republic of Iran
  • Middle East and the role of the woman in the past and present
  • The ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ Movement, Collective Rights, and Iranian leftists
  • Human and Nonhuman Rights to a Healthy Environment
  • An Analysis of Climate Right Based Litigation with Gender Perspective, in Latin American Courts


Lorena Zenteno Villa


Fariba Ehsan


Dr. Wannes Vandenbussche


Prof. Dr. Kamran Matin


Prof. Dr. Jessica OwleY


Prof. Efrem Yildiz Sadak


Prof. Julio López Abán

12:00 - 14:00

Artificial Intelligence and Gender Perspective

Moderator: Ms. Ana María Hernández Martín Journalist, Digital Projection Service, University of Salamanca

  • Artificial Intelligence and Gender Perspective
  • Equality Policies at the University of Castilla-La Mancha: Latest Legal Developments
  • Educating on the Use of Artificial Intelligence: Breaking Biases
  • Women's and Girls' Rights: Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
  • AI Regulation: A Human Rights Opportunity for Women


Prof. Dr. Mercedes Siles Molina


Prof. Dr. Juana Morcillo Moreno


Prof. Dr. Alicia García Holgado


Prof. Dr. Irene González Pulido


Ana Rodriguez Garcia

14:00 - 16:30

Lunch Time

16:30 - 18:30

Recent Legal Developments in Gender Issues

Moderator: Ms. Ascensión Iglesias Redondo President of the Center for Supporting Women Victims of Gender-Based Violence “Plaza Mayor” in Salamanca; National President of the Union of Family Associations

  • Pre-Interview with the Victim of Gender-Based Violence
  • Gender, Equality, and Law: Proposals for the 21st Century
  • Gender-Based Violence: Constitutional Aspects
  • The Visibility of Women as Expert Sources in the Media


Sonsoles Prieto Antona


Prof. Dr. Ana Margarida Simões Gaudêncio


Prof. Emilio Ferrero García


Prof. Dr. Patricia Sanchez Holgado


Ascension Iglesias Redodo

18:30 - 20:30

Gender Perspective in The Constitution and in The Various Areas of Competence

Moderator: Prof. Dr. David Diez Martín Professor at University of Salamanca, Former Rector of the University of Salamanca.

  • Gender Perspective in Constitutional Jurisprudence
  • Male Violence: Risk and Protective Factors in Interventions with Families of Femicide Victims
  • Material Equality Regarding People with Language Difficulties
  • The Legal Framework for Gender Equality in Public Administrations: Quota Reservations, Tie-Breaker Clauses, and Gender-Balanced Composition
  • The Vulnerability of Women with Disabilities Facing Gender-Based Violence


Prof. Dr. Maria Victòria Forns i Fernández


Prof. Lorenzo Mateo Bujosa Vadell


Prof. Dr. Josep Ramon Fuentes i Gasó


Prof. María Ángeles González Bustos


Prof. Anabelén Casares Marcos


Pfor. Dr. David Diez Martín

10:30 - 12:15

Presentation of Papers

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Federico Bueno de Mata Vice-Rector for Transfer, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship; Professor of Procedural Law, University of Salamanca 16 Dommunications Defense


Prof. Dr. Federico Bueno de Mata

12:15- 13:45

(In)Equality and Gender-Based Violence: Multidisciplinary Aspects

Moderator: Ms. Begoña Montero Rodríguez Lawyer, Salamanca Bar Association; Professor in the Master's Program in Permanent Training in Advocacy

  • Violence Against Women: How Far Should Legal Protection Go?
  • The Attempted Reconceptualization of Gender-Based Violence as a Form of Negationism
  • The Invisibility of Women in Economics
  • Older Women in Vulnerable Situations: Effective Access to Justice for Defending Their Rights


Prof. Dr. Pedro Álvarez Sánchez de Movellán


Prof. Dr. Sergio Martín Guardado


Prof. Esther B. del Brío González


Prof. Hilda Eleonora Vallet


Begoña Montero Rodríguez

13:45 - 14:30

Congress Closing


Prof. Dr. Marta Guiterrez Sastre


Prof. Maria Inmaculada Sanchez Barrios


Majedeh Bozorgi