Inauguration of the Congress
Institutions and Protection of Women
Moderator: Prof. Dr. María Inmaculada Sánchez Barrios, Director of the Equality Unit, University of Salamanca Academic Director of Congress
- The Role of Equality Units in Combating Gender-Based Violence: The Case of the University of Oviedo
- The City Council of Salamanca and Women's Protection: For Equality and Against Gender-Based Violence
- Police Actions in Matters of Gender-Based Violence
- Effectively Preventing and Combating Violence Against Women: Recent Legal Developments in the European Union
- Legal Support from the University for Vulnerable Individuals
Lunch Time
Human Rights and Women in the International Arena (I)
Moderator: Ms. Majedeh Bozorgi, Academic Secretary of the Congress, PhD candidate at USAL
- From Margin to Centre: A Social Justice Approach to Women's Rights, Integrating Theory and Practice
- Human Rights, Islam and Debates around CEDAW
- International Policies and Human Rights
- Human Rights and Forgotten Women in Afghanistan
- The Situation of Women in Chinese Universities
Gender-Based Violence: Legal and Procedural Aspects
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Maribel Rodríguez Fidalgo Professor of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising, University of Salamanca
- Procedural Aspects of Victims of Human Trafficking Crimes
- Determining Factors and Prevention Strategies for Femicide
- Juvenile Offenders and Gender-Based Violence: An Analysis in the Juvenile Justice Sphere
- Animal Abuse as Psychological Abuse Against Women
Human Rights and Women in the International Arena (II)
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Julio López Abán Professor of Parasitology, University of Salamanca; Member of the Equality Unit of USAL
- The role of apologies in civil proceedings: Bridging two trends in the Western legal tradition
- The role of mothers and women fighting for human rights and justice in the Islamic Republic of Iran
- Middle East and the role of the woman in the past and present
- The ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ Movement, Collective Rights, and Iranian leftists
- Human and Nonhuman Rights to a Healthy Environment
- An Analysis of Climate Right Based Litigation with Gender Perspective, in Latin American Courts
Artificial Intelligence and Gender Perspective
Moderator: Ms. Ana María Hernández Martín Journalist, Digital Projection Service, University of Salamanca
- Artificial Intelligence and Gender Perspective
- Equality Policies at the University of Castilla-La Mancha: Latest Legal Developments
- Educating on the Use of Artificial Intelligence: Breaking Biases
- Women's and Girls' Rights: Challenges of Artificial Intelligence
- AI Regulation: A Human Rights Opportunity for Women
Lunch Time
Recent Legal Developments in Gender Issues
Moderator: Ms. Ascensión Iglesias Redondo President of the Center for Supporting Women Victims of Gender-Based Violence “Plaza Mayor” in Salamanca; National President of the Union of Family Associations
- Pre-Interview with the Victim of Gender-Based Violence
- Gender, Equality, and Law: Proposals for the 21st Century
- Gender-Based Violence: Constitutional Aspects
- The Visibility of Women as Expert Sources in the Media
Gender Perspective in The Constitution and in The Various Areas of Competence
Moderator: Prof. Dr. David Diez Martín Professor at University of Salamanca, Former Rector of the University of Salamanca.
- Gender Perspective in Constitutional Jurisprudence
- Male Violence: Risk and Protective Factors in Interventions with Families of Femicide Victims
- Material Equality Regarding People with Language Difficulties
- The Legal Framework for Gender Equality in Public Administrations: Quota Reservations, Tie-Breaker Clauses, and Gender-Balanced Composition
- The Vulnerability of Women with Disabilities Facing Gender-Based Violence
Presentation of Papers
Moderator: Prof. Dr. Federico Bueno de Mata Vice-Rector for Transfer, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship; Professor of Procedural Law, University of Salamanca 16 Dommunications Defense
(In)Equality and Gender-Based Violence: Multidisciplinary Aspects
Moderator: Ms. Begoña Montero Rodríguez Lawyer, Salamanca Bar Association; Professor in the Master's Program in Permanent Training in Advocacy
- Violence Against Women: How Far Should Legal Protection Go?
- The Attempted Reconceptualization of Gender-Based Violence as a Form of Negationism
- The Invisibility of Women in Economics
- Older Women in Vulnerable Situations: Effective Access to Justice for Defending Their Rights