Interntional Conference Social Justice and Sustainable Development & WOMEN
The Fifth “International conference the Equality Unit of USAL” and The second International conference on social justice and sustainable development with the following of 2030 development document is organized by the University of Salamanca. The topic of this conference will be The Role and Status of women, which will be hold under the supervision of the “Equality Unit of the University of Salamanca“.
Important dates:
Hold on: 21, 22 November 2023
Abstract Submission deadline: 19 Nov 2023
Registration deadline: 20 Nov 2023
Paper Submission deadline: 01 Mar 2024
Academy Director:
Prof. Dr. María Inmaculada Sánchez Barrios
(Director of the USAL Equality Unit)
Academy Secretary:
Majedeh Bozorgi (Doctoral student of USAL)
How conference will be hold?
The conference will be held in In-Person and online (ZOOM). The main speakers as well as the presenters of the articles will give presentations.
Type: In-Person & Online
Attendance is free for all interested parties.
Cristina Antoñanzas Peñalva
Deputy General Secretary, UGT
Cristina Antoñanzas Peñalva
Deputy General Secretary, UGTShe was born in Calahorra (La Rioja) on July 1, 1976. She is a biologist and occupational risk prevention technician. She has worked in a water and food analysis laboratory, developing various research projects. She was elected to carry out the responsibility of directing the Secretariat of Occupational Health and Environment in the Executive Commission of UGT-La Rioja between 2007 and 2009. The X Regional Congress of UGT-La Rioja, held in 2009, elected her Secretary of Occupational Health and Employment, a position she held until the next Congress entrusted her with the responsibility of the General Secretariat of UGT-La Rioja. In 2016, the 42nd Confederal Congress of UGT elected her Deputy Secretary General. She belongs to the European Women's Committee of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). The 43rd Confederal Congress of the General Union of Workers, held in Valencia from May 18 to 20, 2021, re-elected her as Deputy Secretary General.
Prof. Coral Arangüena Fanego
Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Valladolid
Prof. Coral Arangüena Fanego
Professor of Procedural Law at the University of ValladolidSpeech topic: New legislative proposals of the European Union within the framework of the Strategy for gender equality Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Valladolid, Permanent Member of the General Codification Commission (Fifth Section, Procedural Law) Full academician of the Royal Academy of Legislation and Jurisprudence of Valladolid. She is the director of the Consolidated Research Unit of Castilla y León (UIC120) and the Recognized Research Group of the University of Valladolid on Procedural Guarantees and the European Union. She is director of the Journal of the Association of Procedural Law Professors of Spanish Universities and member of the Editorial Board of six other Spanish and foreign legal journals. She has directed several European research projects and the National R+D+i Plan in the field of Procedural Law obtained in competitive processes; She currently co-directs the Criminal Process and European Union project. Analysis and Proposals
Prof. Narnia Bohler-Muller
Professor of Law Human Sciences Research Council
Prof. Narnia Bohler-Muller
Professor of Law Human Sciences Research CouncilSpeech topic: "Religion and gender equality: A survey-based analysis of six African countries and beyond". Professor Narnia Bohler-Muller holds the degrees of BJuris LLB LLM (UPE) LLD (UP) is is currently Divisional Executive of the Developmental, Capable and Ethical State research programme at the Human Sciences Research Council and a Research Associate, Centre for Africa and Gender Studies, University of Free State. Prof. Bohler-Muller has over 100 publications including six edited books. She is an admitted Advocate of the High Court of the Republic of South Africa. Her research interests include international and constitutional law; human rights, democracy and social justice.
Prof. Lorenzo Mateo Bujosa Vadell
Full Professor at University of Salamanca
Prof. Lorenzo Mateo Bujosa Vadell
Full Professor at University of SalamancaProfessor (Full Professor) of Procedural Law at the University of Salamanca. Bachelor and Doctor from the same University. President of the Ibero-American Institute of Procedural Law, member of the International Association of Procedural Law and the International Association of Criminal Law. He was Research Fellow for the Training of Teachers and Research Staff of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (1989-1992), Professor of Procedural Law (1994-2007) at the same University. Professor of Procedural Law at the Faculty of Law, in the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and in Education and Tourism at the University of Salamanca. He teaches postgraduate, doctoral and master's degrees in various European or Ibero-American Universities such as Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Italy, France, Portugal or Spain, among others.
Marga Cerro González
Advisor of the General Council of Bar Association in Spain and President of the CGAE Commission
Marga Cerro González
Advisor of the General Council of Bar Association in Spain and President of the CGAE CommissionSpeech topic: Women in the Legal Profession: equality Advisor of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers and president of the Equality Commission of the General Council of Spanish Lawyers. She has been dean of the Talavera de la Reina Bar Association since 2014. Advisor of the Council of the Bar of Castilla-La Mancha. Director of the Legal/Procedural department of Data control Advisors. Professor of Deontology of the University Master of Access to the Legal Profession (UCLM-ICATA) Graduate in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid.
Prof. Nuria del Álamo Gómez
Professor of Social Work and Social Services
Prof. Nuria del Álamo Gómez
Professor of Social Work and Social ServicesSpeech topic: Does immigration policy consider women? She is currently a contracted professor of the Department of Labor Law and Social Work; a Senior Researcher of the Institute of Ibero-America; a member of the Diversities Recognized Research Group "Public Policies in Defense of Inclusion, Diversity, and Gender" and coordinator of the line " Migrants and Rights" of the Legal Clinic of the Faculty of Law of the University of Salamanca. Her lines of research are international migration, skilled migration, and immigration management and integration policies. Brief:
- Department: Labor Law and Social Work
- Area of Knowledge: Social Work and Social Services
- Lines of Research: International migration - Mobility of talent - Social Policies and Services - Social Work
Prof. Esther B. del Brío González
Professor at University of Salamanca and Senator
Prof. Esther B. del Brío González
Professor at University of Salamanca and SenatorShe holds a doctorate in Economics and commercial enterprise with an first rate USAL doctoral award. Master in Finance from the college of Cambridge. she is an professional in corporate governance, statistics theories, CSR, innovation, gender and economics. She has more than fifty high-impact courses, has given conferences and seminars at national and foreign universities, and has taught in numerous master's tiers in business and cultural and heritage management. She is the author of the challenge towards gender violence “A kiss at the forehead” of the college of Salamanca, which includes a image novel, two traveling exhibitions, a theatrical version and a musical award for “Equality Alumni-USAL”. She is also part of the ladies docs venture at the university of Salamanca or The forest of economy, a financial schooling mission for youngsters. She lately posted the e-book “economic Mosaics: Gender and financial system” to disseminate clinical outcomes on the invisibility of ladies within the economic system and the silent revolution that she has damaged with that invisibility. She is also a Senator of the Senate of Spain. within the Senate he has held the positions of public carrier spokesperson (XII Legislature and deputy in the and XIV) and the observe Paper on the regulation of latest technological and disruptive realities in the XIV legislature. She has additionally been a speaker for the popular parliamentary organization of draft laws 6/2020 regulating positive components of electronic consider services in the Senate of Spain, in addition to regulation 7/2020 on the virtual transformation of the financial gadget.
Prof. Hilda Eleonora Vallet
Professor of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Prof. Hilda Eleonora Vallet
Professor of the University of Buenos Aires, ArgentinaRegular Adjunct Professor, Department of Professional Practice Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina. She holds a PhD in Law from the University of Salamanca. Registered Mediator-Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Registration 3,888 Director of Research Project DeCyT 1438. University of Buenos Aires. UBACYT Research Project Director Res.1041/18. Buenos Aires' University Prof. Research-oriented course: "Elderly Law", UBA Law School.
Prof. Roja Fazaeli
Professor of Law and Islamic Studies
Prof. Roja Fazaeli
Professor of Law and Islamic StudiesSpeech topic: Muslim Women's Access to Justice in Europe Roja Fazaeli is Established Professor of Law and Islamic Studies at the Irish Centre for Human Rights, University of Galway. Professor Fazaeli has published widely on the subjects of women's rights in Iran, the relationship between human rights and religion, women religious authorities, and Islamic feminisms. As recipient of a European Research Council Consolidator Grant she is the principal investigator of a five-year project (2023-2028) on Building Conceptual and Methodological Expertise for the Study of Gender, Agency, and Authority in Islam (BILQIS). Professor Fazaeli is a member of a Marie Skodowska-Curie Actions funded project investigating the nature of hate in society (NETHATE). She additionally serves as the chairperson of the board of directors of the Immigrant Council of Ireland. Roja is also member of board of directors for Front Line Defenders, Scholars at Risk Europe, and Iran Academia, as well as being a member of the editorial board of Religion and Human Rights. Prior to joining University of Galway, Roja was Professor in Islamic Civilisations at Trinity College Dublin, where she was a Fellow of the College, and served as the Warden of Trinity Hall, a residential learning community of more than 900 students.
Prof. Javier Gustavo Fernández Teruelo
Professor. University of Oviedo
Prof. Javier Gustavo Fernández Teruelo
Professor. University of OviedoProfessor of Criminal Law at the University of Oviedo. Dean of the Faculty of Law of the University of Oviedo. President of the Conference of Deans of Law Faculties (CONFEDE) (2023-) Double degree: Graduate in Law from the Universities of Oviedo (1993) and Pisa (Italy) (2000): Laurea in Giurisprudenza -Dottore in Giurisprudenza-. Doctor of Law with outstanding cum laude Substitute judge of the Provincial Court of Asturias since 1998. Four six-year terms (maximum) of research in 24 years of academic career. Lawyer with extensive experience in the development and implementation of crime prevention programs (Criminal Compliance). International consultant for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Tetra Tech and Checchi Consulting on matters related to corruption control mechanisms, gender violence and economic crime. He was a DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Scholar at the Institut für Kriminologie und Wirtschaftstrafrecht in Freiburg im Br. (Germany). Fifteen research stays in European Universities. He holds all national accreditations as a university professor. Principal Investigator (PI) of multiple national and regional R&D&I research projects. National IPs: DER2008-05588/JURI and RTI2018-095835-B-I00 Evaluator for multiple evaluation agencies: the National Evaluation and Prospective Agency (ANEP), ANECA, (ResearchItaly), etc.
Prof. Olga Fuentes Soriano
Professor of the University Miguel Hernández
Prof. Olga Fuentes Soriano
Professor of the University Miguel HernándezSpeech topic: The gender perspective in the criminal process Professor of Procedural Law at the Miguel Hernández University. She is the author of numerous publications, both books and monographs as well as manuals, book chapters and articles in prestigious magazines and publishers. Her main lines of research are: Gender violence; Fiscal Ministery; technological testing; Foreclosure; court costs Permanent member of the General Codification Commission. Section 5 Procedural Law Director of the Master's Degree in Law at the UMH since its creation (2012) until 2021. Advisor to the Minister of Justice between 2004 and 2006 Member special subcommittee of the General Codification Commission for the development of a new criminal procedure code in the years 2004-2006) Member of the commission to reform the Organic Statute of the Public Prosecutor's Office (converted into Law in 2007: Law 24/2007, of October 9) Substitute judge of the Provincial Court of Alicante for more than 15 years Award for teaching talent in the last four consecutive editions. University management positions held: Secretary of the Faculty of Law of the University of Alicante Deputy General Secretary of the University of Alicante General Secretary of the University of Alicante Vice-rector of Societies and Foundations of the University of Alicante
Marta García Cienfuegos
Speech topic: The international protection of refugees, the importance of the gender approach to identify protection needs and solutions Marta García Cienfuegos, Expert in international refugee law and international protection; Graduated in Law, (Autonomous University of Madrid); Graduated in Law from the UAM, she has a Diploma from the School of Legal Practice of the Complutense University of Madrid. She began working at the UNHCR Delegation in Spain in 1993 and from 2009 to the present she is responsible for the Protection Unit. Following the guidelines and priorities set by the High Commissioner, together with the Representative, She designs and coordinates the UNHCR response to support the Government of Spain in fulfilling its international commitments regarding asylum and international protection, developing, among others, specific recommendations on matters of legal protection, for access to the territory and the asylum procedure, inclusion and integration of refugees and their participation and empowerment, with a focus on gender, age and diversity. She leads a team of twelve people who work in Madrid in coordination with the UNHCR teams stationed at the entry points of people in need of protection, Ceuta, Melilla, Andalusia and the Canary Islands. Between March and June of this year she participated in UNHCR's emergency response to the February 6 earthquakes in Turkey, where a high number of refugees are located.
Prof. María Ángeles González Bustos
Professor. University of Salamanca
Prof. María Ángeles González Bustos
Professor. University of SalamancaSpeech topic: The 2030 Agenda and equality Throughout my professional career I have made numerous contributions to the discipline of Administrative Law as evidenced in my resume. Among the lines of research are: Heritage of Public Administrations, Consumption, Inter-administrative relations, Equality and non-discrimination, Local Administration, Urban Planning and Sustainability, Environment, Climate Change, Citizens' Rights, Transparency, Regulatory Quality, Public Services, food quality, mediation, energy efficiency and construction, public sector contracting, Sustainable Development Goals, rural areas…
Hamid Hoseini
Spokesperson of IHRAS
Hamid Hoseini
Spokesperson of IHRASSpeech topic: Before and after life women freedom revolutionary in case of political and sociality Political prisoner during the previous regime due to his activities against the dictatorship and the monarchy system. He proactively participated in the 1979 revolution as a member of the country's leftist forces. When the theocracy of the Islamic Republic reached power and began to persecute parties critical of the regime, he had no choice but to lead an undercover life that lasted three years. At the end of these years, he had no choice but to choose the exile path. Spain was the country that gave him shelter as a refugee in 1983. Since then, he has dedicated himself to denouncing human rights violations in Iran and supporting interior democratic movements. He believes that the women's revolution of the Women, Life, Freedom movement has opened new horizons of hope for the Iranian people and the democratic movements fighting to give an end to the current theocracy and replace it with a democratic and secular rule of law.
Prof. Eva López Barrio
Coordinator of the Innovatia 8.3 Project of the Women's Institute
Prof. Eva López Barrio
Coordinator of the Innovatia 8.3 Project of the Women's InstituteSpeech topic: Transfer or co-create: The third mission of universities in terms of feminist economics. “Science-based companies and sustainability” Graduate in Economic Sciences from the University of Santiago de Compostela and Master in Foreign Trade Direction and Management. Since 2006 she has been responsible for the Woman Emprende Program. Since 2012 she has been the Emega Aid Tutor of the General Secretariat of Equality of the Xunta de Galicia. Since 2011, Coordinator of the Innovatia 8.3 Project of the Institute for Women and Equal Opportunities, which aims to develop a methodology for creating female university spin-offs, aimed at entrepreneurship support staff in the Offices of Transfer of Research Results (OTRI) from universities and research centers in Spain. She is co-author of the following tools: Procedures Manual, Emprende Igual Guide, Guide for the preparation of a business plan ( At CRUE Spanish Universities, Red Otri, she is part of the INDICATORS working group. She is an expert in the Quality control of European projects from the Gender perspective (IU Gender Equality Strategy (2020-2025). She was one of the experts of the RED.ES WORKING GROUP ON GENDER EQUALITY NON-DIGITAL SCOPE of the National Telecommunications Observatory for the SE (ONTSI) She was part of the Working Commission “Women in Innovation and Entrepreneurship” and was co-author of the Report: Women and Innovation prepared in December 2019 by the Women, Science and Innovation Observatory (OMCI). She is a participant and expert in the design of the National Strategic Plan for the Internationalization of Entrepreneurship, invited by the Women's Institute, working group: Women and Internationalization. She is an expert in different observatories organized by the Women and Science Unit of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. She is part of the Association of Women Researchers and Technologists of Spain. She is an expert and organizer within AMIT MIT of different spaces dedicated to innovation, transfer and the creation of technology-based companies. She mentors, among other programs, the Púlsar Program of the Everis Foundation, to promote scientific-technological vocations among secondary school students.
Dr. Afrooz Maghzi
Iranian lawyer, socio-legal researcher, and human rights activist
Dr. Afrooz Maghzi
Iranian lawyer, socio-legal researcher, and human rights activistSpeech topic: When Legal Reform Promises Dawns: Iranian Women's Struggle for Social Justice Afrooz Maghzi is an Iranian lawyer, socio-legal researcher, and human rights activist. Her focus is on multiculturalism and minority rights in Europe, gender inequality in Islamic criminal and family law, and social movements. Currently, she is a researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology (MPI), Halle (Saale), Germany, and at the Erlangen Centre for Islam and Law in Europe (EZIRE), Friedrich-Alexander-University in Erlangen, Germany. Previously, Maghzi worked as a lawyer, researcher, and activist in Iran, Ireland, and Malaysia, cooperating with several civil society and international NGOs. She primarily endeavored to help victims and suspects in gender-related, political, and family cases, often pro bono. She represented clients before the highest jurisdictions in Iran and cooperated with several human rights campaigns, notably the “One Million Signatures Campaign” to repeal discriminatory laws against women. She recently completed her PhD in Religious and Customary-Based Non-State Justice at the University of Halle-Wittenberg and the MPI (Germany). She holds an LLM from University College Dublin (Ireland), an LLM from Mazandaran University (Iran), and an LLB from Tehran University (Iran). During her Fellowship at the University of Harvard, she will work on her current research project on the impact of transnational networking on legal advocacy in authoritarian settings, concentrating on cause lawyering in Iran.
Prof. Vicente J.Marcet Rodríguez
Professor. University of Salamanca
Prof. Vicente J.Marcet Rodríguez
Professor. University of SalamancaSpeech topic: Women in university degrees in the field of Education: presences and absences Vicente J. Marcet Rodríguez (Valencia, 1977) has a degree in Hispanic Philology (1999) and in Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature (2006) from the University of Salamanca, where he also obtained the title of Doctor (2006). He is currently a Full Professor in the Didactics of Language and Literature Area at the University of Salamanca. He is a member of the Equality Network of the USAL Equality Unit. He has been a researcher and visiting professor at several universities in Europe and the United States. He has been vice dean of the Faculty of Education at USAL. Among his main publications as co-editor are the Pro lingua monographs. University linguistic research (2013), Variation in Spanish and its teaching (2021) or Teaching the lexicon (2022).
Beatriz Martos Vergara
Responsible for Campaigns on Women's Rights of Amnesty International in Spain
Beatriz Martos Vergara
Responsible for Campaigns on Women's Rights of Amnesty International in SpainSpeech topic: "The situation of human rights of women and girls in the world, a general overview" Professional activities:
- Head of Human Rights Campaigns in Amnesty International Spain (Mar 2023 - Present)
- Amnesty International - Chile (8 yrs) -Campaigns and Mobilization Coordinator -Human Rights Education and Mobilization Coordinator -Activism and Youth Coordinator -Activities and logistics coordinator
- Project coordinator in Course Council Foundation (Dec 2014 - Feb 2015)
- Human Rights Trainer at Movilh Chile (Oct 2014 - Dec 2014
- Graduated from the University of Granada with a bachelor's degree in political science and management, specializing in human rights, international relations, conflict resolution and development cooperation.
- Postgraduate Diploma in International Development at Universidad de Chile
Prof. Ana Felicitas Muñoz Pérez
Professor at University of Rey Juan Carlos
Prof. Ana Felicitas Muñoz Pérez
Professor at University of Rey Juan CarlosSpeech topic: Artificial Intelligence and Equality Ana Felicitas Muñoz Pérez is Profesor Titular in university of Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, former “academic secretary” of the Faculty of Legal and Social Sciences in this University. She worked in IBM before obtaining the degree of PhD -"cum laude"- in Commercial Law in the university of Complutense de Madrid. Master’s degree in business law in Instituto of Empresa (IE). It has three “six-year official periods of research” that accredit the academic activity of investigation with monographs and papers in specialized magazines and collective books focus in her main lines of research - company law and securities law and digitalization- although she has worked in other topics as competition law, arbitration and insolvency regulation. She has been visiting professor in Oxford, 2010, Fordham University, New York 2013, Widener University, Pennsylvania, 2015 and the University of Nevada in Reno 2017. She sat a high level profile academic group of research “Research group in digitalization and business law of the Rey Juan Carlos University” which gather more than 20 members from several Universities and the group have been developing several joint activities related to digital phenomena and commercial law...
Prof. Nan Nie
Professor. Sichuan University of International Studies (China)
Prof. Nan Nie
Professor. Sichuan University of International Studies (China)Graduated in Hispanic Philology, from the Sichuan University of International Studies, Chongqing, China. Master in Anthropology of Ibero-America, from the University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain. Doctoral student in Social Sciences, in the anthropology research line, specialized in intercultural education, Salamanca, Spain. Professor hired by the College of International Law and Sociology, Sichuan University of International Studies, Chongqing, China.
Dr. Noelia De Pablo Torres
Responsible for the women, prostitution, and trafficking program of Cáritas Española
Dr. Noelia De Pablo Torres
Responsible for the women, prostitution, and trafficking program of Cáritas EspañolaSpeech topic: Sexist violence at the state level and support of women Studies:
- 2011 Doctor in Political Science-RRII (International and African Studies) University Autonomous of Madrid
- 2004 Diploma in Advanced Studies (International and African Studies) University Autonomous of Madrid
- 2000 Graduate in History Autonomous University of Madrid
- February 2020-Present -- Cáritas Española Program Manager for Women, Prostitution and Deals in the area of social action.
- June 30, 2009-January 31, 2020 (10 years and 3 months) -- Cáritas Española Responsible for Evaluations and knowledge management in the International cooperation area.
- January 1, 2009 - June 30, 2009 (6 months) -- Cáritas Española Responsible for Central America in the area of international cooperation.
- November 15, 2007-December 31, 2008 (1 year and 1 month) -- Cáritas Española Responsible Bolivia and Southern Cone in the area of international cooperation.
- October 1, 2005 - September 30, 2007 (2 years) -- 2020 National Pedagogical University Francisco Morazán (Honduras)-AECID (MUTIS Scholarship) Research and preparation of reports
- Human Rights, organization of activities and conferences.
- March 1, 2006 – September 15, 2007 (1 year and 7 months) -- ACOES Honduras-Association Virgen de la Paz (Honduras) Formulation, monitoring and implementation of action projects community partner.
- 2005 (3 months) -- Cáritas Española Project technician Territorial Unit in Africa
Dr. Majid Pourostad
Academic | Lawyer & Arbitrator
Dr. Majid Pourostad
Academic | Lawyer & ArbitratorSpeech topic: "Canada's Lessons for Iranian Feminist Lawyering Dr. Majid Pourostad, Ph.D. in Private Law, was Assistant Professor of Civil Procedure & Commercial Arbitration, Faculty of Law, IAUCTB, Tehran, Iran. Having moved to Canada in 2014, He obtained the degree of Professional LLM in "International Business Law" from Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, Toronto and then he also became "Visiting Scholar" at the same law School. Currently, he is completing his "Articling Program" to be called to the Bar by The Law Society of Ontario.
Sonsoles Prieto Antona
Lawyer. Coordinator of the Gender Violence Commission and Member of the ICASAL Equality Commission
Sonsoles Prieto Antona
Lawyer. Coordinator of the Gender Violence Commission and Member of the ICASAL Equality Commissionlegal professional of the Salamanca Bar association (ICASAL) for the reason that 1989 Attorney for the office Shift (and the Violence Shift) Gender). Member of the Subcommittee on Violence against ladies of the wellknown Council of Spanish legal professionals. Member of the ICASAL Equality fee. Patron of the “Torre del Clavero” foundation of the Illustrious university of Salamanca lawyers due to the fact 2017. Professor within the master's degree in permanent education in regulation and Procurement USAL-ICASAL. Rreputation from ICASAL for her paintings as a Shift of office, as well as her devoted dedication, in an exemplary way, at the carrier of unfastened Justice” Medal for the carrier of the legal career of Castilla y León “awarded by means of the Council of the Bar of Castilla y León in popularity to her paintings as a public defender, in addition to to the willpower provided, in an exemplary manner, to the provider of Justice free”
Taghi Rahmani
Iranian journalist, writer and nationalist-religious activist
Taghi Rahmani
Iranian journalist, writer and nationalist-religious activistSpeech topic: Civil society and political system of Iran Taghi Rahmani is an Iranian journalist, writer and nationalist-religious activist. Rahmani is married to political activist Narges Mohammadi, a 2023 Nobel Peace Prize recipient. Shireen Hunter describes Rahmani as "a contemporary Iranian intellectual and author of books on religious intellectualism and reason". Between 1981 and 2005, he reportedly was sentenced to a total of 5,000 days in prison. According to Reporters Without Borders, he is "Iran’s most frequently jailed journalist" and Amnesty International has designated him a prisoner of conscience. He received the Hellman Award from Human Rights Watch in 2005. Taghi Rahmani was a senior campaign official for Mehdi Karroubi during 2009 Iranian presidential election.
Nilufar Saberi
Human rights activist
Nilufar Saberi
Human rights activistSpeech topic: Women life freedom is the first mixed feminist revolution in the history of humanity Nilufar Saberi is an independent Iranian Human Rights activist, focusing on the situation of Women, religious, sexual, and ethnic minorities, conscientious opponents, and dissidents in the Islamist Theocracy of Iran. Its main objective is to denounce the violation of Human Rights under the Islamist government established in power in Iran since 1979 and to raise awareness among Spanish-speaking public opinion about the reality of the Iranian people. due to this purpose, in 2009 she, with other compatriots, founded the Iranian Association for Human Rights-Spain, holding the positions of member, secretary, and president.
Prof. Maria Inmaculada Sanchez Barrios
Professor. University of Salamanca
Prof. Maria Inmaculada Sanchez Barrios
Professor. University of SalamancaSpeech topic: The protection of women in criminal procedural Brief curriculum overview:
- She defended his Doctoral Thesis on the General Council of the Judiciary at USAL in 1993.
- She is Professor of Procedural Law at USAL since 1999.
- She is the Director of the USAL Equality Unit.
- She carried out teaching and postdoctoral research stays at various foreign universities: Paris XI, Paris II “Pantheon-Assas”, Bologna, Coimbra, L.U.I.S.S. di Roma, the Sapienza di Roma, London, Nacional de Bogotá, Antofagasta…
- She is the author of six monographs and forty-seven chapters of books and doctrinal articles published in national and foreign legal journals (among others, related to the subject, on effective judicial protection, judicial protection and security measures for victims of violence of gender, the prosecutor against violence against women...)
- She is a researcher in numerous national and regional R&D research projects (such as crimes against sexual freedom, juvenile justice, especially vulnerable victims…) and Europeans (EU EMEDUE Project).
- She has given numerous conferences and presentations at public and private, national and foreign institutions (Coimbra, Paris, Rome, Rio de Janeiro, Brussels, Bogotá, Buenos Aires…).
- She has held various academic positions: highlighting that of Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law of Salamanca (from 2004 to 2012) and currently she is the Director of the Equality Unit of the USAL.
- DIRECTOR OF THE EQUALITY UNIT of the University of Salamanca (since June 2016)
- DEPUTY DEAN OF THE FACULTY OF LAW of the University of Salamanca (2004-2012)
- President of the Commission of Places of the University of Salamanca (2008-2012)
- Director of the Aranzadi Classroom of the University of Salamanca (2003-2007)
- President of the Electoral Council of the University of Salamanca (2003)
- DIRECTOR of the Own Title (Expert and Specialist) in Legal Advisors in Consumer Affairs.
- COORDINATOR of the Master in Spanish Law for Foreign Jurists
- Member of the "IUDICIUM" Research Group: Group of procedural studies of the University of Salamanca (RESEARCH GROUP OF EXCELLENCE of Castilla y León)
- Member of the International Research Group on "Electronic Mediation"cross-border
Carmen Seisdedos Alonso
Vice President of the Association of Women in the Public Sector
Carmen Seisdedos Alonso
Vice President of the Association of Women in the Public SectorSpeech topic: The situation of women in the public sector. Proposal to move forward Graduated in Educational Sciences (Pedagogy) from the University of Salamanca. She is an expert in Management and Evaluation of Occupational Training from the University of Seville. She has worked as head of service for the Junta de Andalucía linked to training, innovation, employment and gender projects in areas as different as the General Secretariat of Telecommunications and the Information Society, the Andalusian Women's Institute and the National Employment Institute. , among others. In addition, she has collaborated in research and courses with the Universities of Córdoba, Granada and Seville. She is enthusiastic about the work carried out in public administration and committed to building teams as a formula to ensure innovation and improvement in our work. Since 2017 she has been deputy director of the Andalusian Institute of Public Administration. She has been Community Manager of the INAP SOCIAL Training community from 2017 to 2021. She has collaborated as a speaker at numerous conferences and conferences and has published articles in different magazines and collective works on human resources, training, learning and gender. She is vice president of the Women in the Public Sector Association. Member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Professional Public Management. Founding Member of the recently created Andalusian Pedagogy Association. Novagob Excellence Award for Outstanding Women in the Public Sector in 2020. Finalist in the 2023 Novagob Awards in the Novagob Community category.
Obeidah Sharar Sharifi
Human rights activist
Obeidah Sharar Sharifi
Human rights activistSpeech topic: Forgotten Women in Afghanistan She graduated with a bachelor's degree in law and a master's degree in criminology, and from 2016 until the fall of Afghanistan (October 15, 2021) as: - Director of the final prosecution against drugs - Pursuing the elimination of violence against women with the Afghan General Secretary, Gender researcher with IDLO and IRC.
Dr. Zoryana Skaletska
Associate professor at University “Kyiv-Mohyla academy”
Dr. Zoryana Skaletska
Associate professor at University “Kyiv-Mohyla academy”Speech topic: Domestic violence and a mental health: war and post-war challenges for Ukraine Doctor of Law (Poland), Associate professor Department of International and European Law National University “Kyiv-Mohyla academy” More than 15 years of teaching Medical Law to students, lawyers, medical workers and managers, journalists at the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, number of trainings, master classes and seminars. Analyst, consultant of international organizations. The author of more than 50 publications in the legal and business press. Author of 25 scientific publications, training courses for educational institutions on medical and legal topics. Co-author of draft laws, expert opinions for the Parliament of Ukraine and the Government, international projects and organizations, Ministry of Health of Ukraine (2019-2020)
Prof. María Pérez Ugena
Full professor of constitutional law
Prof. María Pérez Ugena
Full professor of constitutional lawSpeech topic: Artificial intelligence and equality Full professor of constitutional law at Rey Juan Carlos University, with three six-year research periods and one transfer period recognised. She is part of the Gender Feminism Research Group of the URJC as well as the Teaching Innovation Group for the inclusion of gender studies in university degrees (2022). Her main current lines of research are: gender equality; arbitration and mediation; law; and technology. She has worked on issues related to equality in different areas from a constitutional perspective. She has published two monographs in sole authorship: "Equality between women and men" (2015) and “Legal tools for equality in sport. An analysis from a gender perspective” (2020). As well as several articles and book chapters on this topic. She has been collaborating on projects on equality for years: “The impact of Organic Law 3/2007, of March 22, for equality in access to new technologies. Ministry of Industry, Tourism, and Commerce (2008–2010), also on this matter, the project “Political Participation and Promotion of the Legal Status of Women in Mauritania. Bases for Democratic Integration" Community of Madrid (2006–2008) In the field of ADRs, she is an arbitrator and general secretary of the Spanish Arbitration Society. She is a mediator and chairs the SEA Mediation Chamber. She has published and taught training on these subjects. In the field of law and technology, she is interested in the study of artificial intelligence and its legal implications. She participates in the DYDEMM/URJC Research Group.
José Antonio Vega Bravo
President of the Provincial Court of Salamanca
José Antonio Vega Bravo
President of the Provincial Court of SalamancaSpeech topic: Practical aspects of criminal proceedings in cases of gender violence Presently he is a magistrate and President of the Provincial court docket of Salamanca. He became born in Osorno (Palencia) in 1960. He finished his Baccalaureate on the Minor Seminary of San José, in Carrión de los Condes, Palencia. He graduated in regulation from the college of Valladolid in 1984. He gained the opposition to the judicial career in 1987, in addition to, within the identical 12 months 1987, the opposition to the monetary career. In 1988 he took up his position as prosecutor in the Provincial courtroom of Bilbao, a role from which he asked a leave of absence that identical year to pursue a judicial profession. His first challenge as a choose became inside the courtroom of First example and instruction of Puebla de Sanabria, within the province of Zamora. From there he went, in 1989, to the court of First example and training range 5 of Salamanca, a city wherein he has served as a Justice of the Peace of the Provincial court docket due to the fact 2006. And due to the fact 2021 as President of the same. For numerous years he has been a show for trainee student-judges at the Barcelona Judicial school. in view that 2000 he has been an companion professor on the college of Salamanca, inside the place of Procedural law and specifically in subjects of criminal technique law, within the sensible factor of the subject. Likewise, on account that 2002, he has been a professor of the master of laws on the university of Salamanca, geared toward the schooling of currently graduated lawyers in regulation, education that he also teaches inside the place of procedural regulation.
Prof. Efrem Yildiz Sadak
Full Professor at University of Salamanca
Prof. Efrem Yildiz Sadak
Full Professor at University of SalamancaSpeech topic: STRONG WOMEN IN THE ANCIENT MESOPOTAMIA Efrem Yildiz Sadak is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Philology, Department of Hebrew and Aramaic Studies, of the University of Salamanca. He is specialised in Aramaic history, language and literature. He is a member of the Commission of the Degree in Hebrew and Aramaic Studies. He is a committee member of several scientific journals, the (co-)author of books and articles in journals on Aramaic language, literature, history and culture of the Aramaic-speaking peoples. Prof Yildiz served as Vice-Rector for International Relations at the University of Salamanca from 2017 to 2022.
Meet The Our Hosts of Tables
Majedeh Bozorgi
Doctoral Student of law
Majedeh Bozorgi
Doctoral Student of lawMajedeh Bozorgi is an experienced researcher and advocate for human rights, with a academic and professional background. Currently, she serves as Secretary for the Iranian Association for Human Rights in Spain and is pursuing a PhD in Administration, Finance, and Justice in the Social State at the University of Salamanca.She is the organizer of the annual Social Justice and Sustainable Development Conference, held in collaboration with the University of Salamanca. Majedeh has actively engaged in human rights research and advocacy over the past few years. In addition, she has co-directed and presented at several international conferences focused on social justice and gender equality, including the International Conference on Social Justice and Sustainable Development and the Human Rights of Refugees conference organized by the General Union of Workers. She has also moderated discussions on women’s rights and gender equality at the V International Congress, organized by the Equality Unit of the University of Salamanca. Her research, covering topics such as Women and Human Rights and the Legal Situations of Female Workers, reflects her contributions to the academic field of human rights. Majedeh is currently involved in two major research projects. The first, PREVENFEM, is an I+D+i project in collaboration with Fundación Universidad de Oviedo, focusing on a retrospective analysis of factors contributing to partner femicide, aiming to provide policy recommendations for the prevention of gender based violence. The second project, SUMA, is an initiative by the University of Salamanca aimed at promoting gender equality within academic settings.
Ana Hernández Martín
Journalist. Innovation and digital production of University of Salamanca
Ana Hernández Martín
Journalist. Innovation and digital production of University of SalamancaAna Hernández Martín is a journalist and since 2010 she has worked at the University of Salamanca as coordinator of USAL TV, within the Digital Production and Innovation Service. She has a degree in Information Sciences from the Pontifical University of Salamanca and a master's degree in Identity and Corporate Communication from UNIR. Her professional career has been linked to the field of communication in Salamanca for more than thirty years. Between 1996 and 2009 she worked for Televisión Castilla y León, where she directed and presented programs. For more than ten years she also collaborated with other local media outlets such as El Adelanto, Tribuna de Salamanca or Radio Salamanca. She has served as master of ceremonies in many institutional events for different administrations and has presented numerous conferences, seminars or festivals.
Prof. Marina Holgado Madruga
Professor. University of Salamanca
Prof. Marina Holgado Madruga
Professor. University of SalamancaDr. Marina Holgado Madruga studied Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine in Salamanca, where she defended her doctoral thesis in 1992. She then moved as a postdoctoral fellow to Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and later to Stanford University as a Scientific Instructor. She is currently a Full Professor of Pharmacology at the School of Medicine since 2011. She has participated in different national and international research projects on cancer and teaches in different degrees and masters of the University of Salamanca, being the coordinator of the Master of the European alliance Ec2U: "Well-being and healthy aging throughout life".
Prof. Fernando Martín Diz
Professor. University of Salamanca
Prof. Fernando Martín Diz
Professor. University of SalamancaDoctor in Law from the University of Salamanca with Extraordinary Doctorate Award (2000), having carried out research stays in: Kansas University School of Law (Lawrence, USA, 1997) Visiting professor at the University of Michigan School of Law (Ann Arbor, USA, 2005) Visiting Professor at the Universidade do Minho (Portugal, 2013) “Rafael Martínez Emperador” Award, 2009, General Council of the Judiciary, for the best unpublished work of legal research on “mediation” (BOE December 23, 2009). Codex 2006 Award for the best teaching work. Faculty of Law, University of Salamanca. Principal investigator in several competitive research projects at European, national and regional level (in subjects such as: international judicial cooperation, mediation, victims and minors, and artificial intelligence applied to the judicial process Author of four monographs:
- The execution of the mortgage guarantee on real estate (2000)
- The Penitentiary Surveillance Judge as guarantor of the rights of prisoners (2003)
- Mediation: complementary system of Administration of Justice (2010)
- Mediation in the contentious-administrative field (2018)
- Author of numerous book chapters, articles and comments in indexed national and international legal journals, as well as speaker and in national and international public and private organizations on subjects such as: civil forced execution, bankruptcy proceedings, international legal cooperation, legal protection of credit, community procedural law and extrajudicial alternatives for conflict resolution and mediation.
- Advisor to the Editorial Board of the “Public Law” Collection of the State Agency Official State Gazette
- Non-practicing lawyer, member number, 1358, Illustrious Bar Association of Zamora
Prof. Alicia González Monje
Professor. University of Salamanca
José Javier Román Capillas
Dean of the Salamanca Bar Association
José Javier Román Capillas
Dean of the Salamanca Bar AssociationHe's presently the Dean of the Salamanca Bar association (ICASAL) Degree in regulation licensed insurance Mediator ICASAL member legal professional for the reason that 1995 degree Schiller global university and Institute of business Governance “college of management and accurate authorities”. Former ICASAL treasurer Former head of the prices fee Speaker and moderator at numerous conferences and conferences: IV Treasury conference of Bar associations and Councils (2018). Moderator of Tables at the Congress of the lawyers of Castilla y León (2022). desk Moderator of the XIII Spanish regulation Congress (2023)
Prof. José Luis Sánchez Barrios
Professor. University of Salamanca
Prof. José Luis Sánchez Barrios
Professor. University of SalamancaSince 2002 he has been an EU Full Professor of Commercial Law, having previously been an Associate Professor of the same discipline for four years. He graduated in Law from the University of Salamanca and has a Diploma in Business Sciences from the same University, specializing in Accounting and Information Systems. School of Legal Practice, with Extraordinary Prize for the best student in the class. Scholarship holder of the Teacher and Research Staff Training Program of the Ministry of Education and Science. He was a substitute Magistrate-Judge of the Courts of Justice for twelve consecutive years by successive appointments of the General Council of the Judiciary, under a competitive system and compatibility of functions. He was a University Defender of the University of Salamanca between 2012 and 2021, being a member of the State Conference of University Defenders, of whose Executive he was a part for three years. He was the founder of the Ibero-American Network of University Ombudsmen in 2018, presiding over the first Electoral Commission of this Ibero-American Network in Argentina. Since 2021 he has been an Advisor to the State Conference of University Defenders He has been a member of various bodies and Commissions at Usal, such as the University Senate, the Economic-Administrative Commission delegated to it, or the Commissions for the Prevention of Harassment in the Workplace and Harassment of Students, among others. His teaching activity is carried out especially in degrees related to Law, Business and Economics, mainly in the Degree in Law, but also in the Degrees in Business Administration and Management, in Economics, in Management and Public Administration, as well as in the recent Degree in Police Studies. He has also taught in Science degrees, such as the Degrees in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering or Technical Engineering in Management Informatics. At the Postgraduate and Continuing Training level, he teaches in the Master's Degree in Administrative Management, having taught a good number of Master's Degrees, Own Degrees and professional and Training Courses, including Specialization courses in Consumption, or courses for Consumer Inspectors or for members of the National Police Corps. His research and publications have focused on Corporate Law, Competition Law, Financial Market Law, as well as Industrial and Intellectual Property, Consumer Protection, General Product Safety and Liability for Defective Products, Gender Equality in Boards of Directors administration. He is the author of 34 publications in scientific journals, books and chapters in collective works, in prestigious legal publishers such as Aranzadi, Tirant lo blanch, Tecnos, Lex Nova or Juruá, and has presented numerous papers at conferences and at national and international conferences. Secretary of the magazine Universidad, Ética y Derechos (Rued@), and member of its Editorial Committee for years. Commercial Law Coordinator in the AIS magazine, of Law, Political Science and Criminology. Member of the Gender Research Center, having previously been a member of the Center for Women's Studies or the Institute of Ibero-America. He has carried out some stays and research abroad, in Aix-en-Provence, in Niteroi-Rio de Janeiro, Brussels...
Prof. Julio López Abán
Professor. University of Salamanca
Prof. Julio López Abán
Professor. University of SalamancaCoordinator of the Doctoral Program in Health and Development in the Tropics. Scientific Secretary of the Center for Research on Tropical Diseases of the University of Salamanca (CIETUS). Doctor in Biological Sciences. Graduate in Veterinary Medicine.
SCHEDULE DETAILS Conference Schedules
Welcome and official opening of the conference
Coffee time
Practical aspects of criminal proceedings in cases of gender violence
Office shift and gender violence
Lunch Time
Coffee time
Coffee time
Older women in a state of vulnerability. Effective access to justice in defense of their rights
Lunch Time
Host: Prof. Julio López Abán Professor. University of Salamanca
Closing Ceremony
About USAL Get to know USAL
Alfonso IX of León wanted to have higher education in his kingdom and for this reason he created the ‘scholas Salamanticae’ in 1218, the seed of the current University of Salamanca that has more than 800 years of uninterrupted history creating, promoting and disseminating knowledge.
Get Direction to the Conference Hall
Aula Salinas (Historic Building), University of Salamanca
C. Libreros, 19, 37008 Salamanca, Castilla & Leon, ESPAIN
21 Nov. 2024
09:30 – 13:30 | 16:30 – 20:30 (GMT+2)
22 Nov. 2024
10:00 – 13:30 | 16:00 – 20:30 (GMT+2)
Hold on: 21, 22 November 2023
Abstract Submission deadline: 19 Nov 2023
Registration deadline: 20 Nov 2023
Paper Submission deadline: 01 Mar 2024