Interntional Conference Social Justice and Sustainable Development & WOMEN

The Fifth “International conference the Equality Unit of USAL” and The second International conference on social justice and sustainable development with the following of 2030 development document is organized by the University of Salamanca. The topic of this conference will be The Role and Status of women, which will be hold under the supervision of the “Equality Unit of the University of Salamanca“.
Important dates:
Hold on: 21, 22 November 2023
Abstract Submission deadline: 19 Nov 2023
Registration deadline: 20 Nov 2023
Paper Submission deadline: 01 Mar 2024


Academy Director:
Prof. Dr. María Inmaculada Sánchez Barrios
(Director of the USAL Equality Unit)
Academy Secretary:
Majedeh Bozorgi (Doctoral student of USAL)

How conference will be hold?

The conference will be held in In-Person and online (ZOOM). The main speakers as well as the presenters of the articles will give presentations.
Type: In-Person & Online
Attendance is free for all interested parties.

Academy Director

Prof. Dr. María Inmaculada Sánchez Barrios

Academy Secretary

Majedeh Bozorgi



Cristina Antoñanzas Peñalva

Deputy General Secretary, UGT

Prof. Coral Arangüena Fanego

Professor of Procedural Law at the University of Valladolid

Prof. Narnia Bohler-Muller

Professor of Law Human Sciences Research Council

Prof. Lorenzo Mateo Bujosa Vadell

Full Professor at University of Salamanca

Marga Cerro González

Advisor of the General Council of Bar Association in Spain and President of the CGAE Commission

Prof. Nuria del Álamo Gómez

Professor of Social Work and Social Services

Prof. Esther B. del Brío González

Professor at University of Salamanca and Senator

Prof. Hilda Eleonora Vallet

Professor of the University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Prof. Roja Fazaeli

Professor of Law and Islamic Studies

Prof. Javier Gustavo Fernández Teruelo

Professor. University of Oviedo

Prof. Olga Fuentes Soriano

Professor of the University Miguel Hernández

Prof. María Ángeles González Bustos

Professor. University of Salamanca

Hamid Hoseini

Spokesperson of IHRAS

Prof. Eva López Barrio

Coordinator of the Innovatia 8.3 Project of the Women's Institute

Dr. Afrooz Maghzi

Iranian lawyer, socio-legal researcher, and human rights activist

Prof. Vicente J.Marcet Rodríguez

Professor. University of Salamanca

Beatriz Martos Vergara

Responsible for Campaigns on Women's Rights of Amnesty International in Spain

Prof. Ana Felicitas Muñoz Pérez

Professor at University of Rey Juan Carlos

Prof. Nan Nie

Professor. Sichuan University of International Studies (China)

Dr. Noelia De Pablo Torres

Responsible for the women, prostitution, and trafficking program of Cáritas Española

Dr. Majid Pourostad

Academic | Lawyer & Arbitrator

Sonsoles Prieto Antona

Lawyer. Coordinator of the Gender Violence Commission and Member of the ICASAL Equality Commission

Taghi Rahmani

Iranian journalist, writer and nationalist-religious activist

Nilufar Saberi

Human rights activist

Prof. Maria Inmaculada Sanchez Barrios

Professor. University of Salamanca

Carmen Seisdedos Alonso

Vice President of the Association of Women in the Public Sector

Obeidah Sharar Sharifi

Human rights activist

Dr. Zoryana Skaletska

Associate professor at University “Kyiv-Mohyla academy”

Prof. María Pérez Ugena

Full professor of constitutional law

José Antonio Vega Bravo

President of the Provincial Court of Salamanca

Prof. Efrem Yildiz Sadak

Full Professor at University of Salamanca

Meet The Our Hosts of Tables


Majedeh Bozorgi

Doctoral Student of law

Ana Hernández Martín

Journalist. Innovation and digital production of University of Salamanca

Prof. Marina Holgado Madruga

Professor. University of Salamanca

Prof. Fernando Martín Diz

Professor. University of Salamanca

Prof. Alicia González Monje

Professor. University of Salamanca

José Javier Román Capillas

Dean of the Salamanca Bar Association

Prof. José Luis Sánchez Barrios

Professor. University of Salamanca

Prof. Julio López Abán

Professor. University of Salamanca

SCHEDULE DETAILS Conference Schedules

9:30 - 10:00 AM Opening

Welcome and official opening of the conference

10:00 - 10:25 AM Table-01

The international protection of refugees, the importance of the gender approach to identify protection needs and solutions

Marta García Cienfuegos

10.25 - 10.40 AM Table-01

The situation of human rights of women and girls in the world, a general overview

Beatriz Martos Vergara

10.40 - 11.05 AM Table-01

Sexist violence at the state level and support of women

Dr. Noelia De Pablo Torres

11:05 - 11.30 AM Table-01

Gender equality as a driver of social justice. Advances in legislation with a gender perspective in the workplace

Cristina Antoñanzas Peñalva

11.30 - 12.00 PM

Coffee time

12.00- 12:20 PM Table-02

Women in the Legal Profession: equality

Marga Cerro González

12.20- 12:35 PM Table-02

Practical aspects of criminal proceedings in cases of gender violence

12.35- 12:50 PM Table-02

Office shift and gender violence

12.50- 01.10 PM Table-02

Artificial Intelligence and Equality #1

Prof. Ana Felicitas Muñoz Pérez

01:10 - 01:30 PM Table-02

Artificial Intelligence and Equality #2

Prof. María Pérez Ugena

01:30 - 04:30 PM

Lunch Time

4:30 - 5:00 PM Table-03

Civil society and political system of Iran

Taghi Rahmani

5:00 - 5:25 PM Table-03

When Legal Reform Promises Dawns: Iranian Women's Struggle for Social Justice

Dr. Afrooz Maghzi

5:25 - 5:50 PM Table-03

Canada's Lessons for Iranian Feminist Lawyering

Dr. Majid Pourostad

5:50 - 6:10 PM Table-03

Women life freedom is the first mixed feminist revolution in the history of humanity

Nilufar Saberi

6:10 - 6:30 PM Table-03

Before and after women life freedom revolutionary in case of political and sociality

Hamid Hoseini

6:30 - 7:00 PM

Coffee time

7:00 - 7:20 Table-04

Muslim Women's Access to Justice in Europe

Prof. Roja Fazaeli

7:20 - 7:40 Table-04

"Religion and gender equality: A survey-based analysis of six African countries and beyond"

Prof. Narnia Bohler-Muller

7:40 - 8:00 Table-04

Strong women in the ancient MESOPOTAMIA

Prof. Efrem Yildiz Sadak

8:00 - 8:20 Table-04

Forgotten Women in Afghanistan

Obeidah Sharar Sharifi

8:20 - 8:40 Table-04

Domestic violence and a mental health: war and post-war challenges for Ukraine

Dr. Zoryana Skaletska

10:00 - 10:25 AM Table-05

New legislative proposals of the European Union within the framework of the Strategy for gender equality

Prof. Coral Arangüena Fanego

10:25 - 10:50 AM Table-05

The gender perspective in the criminal process

Prof. Olga Fuentes Soriano

10:50 - 11:15 AM Table-05

Women and process: private legitimation of public interest

Prof. Lorenzo Mateo Bujosa Vadell

11:15 - 11:40 AM Table-05

Determinants of the slow reduction in the number of intimate partner femicides in Spain

Prof. Javier Gustavo Fernández Teruelo

11:40 AM -12:10 PM

Coffee time

12:10- 12:30 PM Table-06

The 2030 Agenda and equality

Prof. María Ángeles González Bustos

12:30 - 12:55 PM Table-06

Women in university degrees in the field of Education: presences and absences

Prof. Vicente J.Marcet Rodríguez

12:30 - 12:50 PM Table-06

Older women in a state of vulnerability. Effective access to justice in defense of their rights

12:50 - 13:15 PM Table-06

Older women in a state of vulnerability. Effective access to justice in defense of their rights

Prof. Hilda Eleonora Vallet

13:15 - 13:40 PM Table-06

Transfer or co-create: The third mission of universities in terms of feminist economics. “Science-based companies and sustainability”

Prof. Eva López Barrio

13:40 - 16:30 PM

Lunch Time

16:30 - 16:50 PM Table-07

Cultural presentations in textbooks from a gender perspective

Prof. Nan Nie

16:50 - 17:10 PM Table-07

The invisibility of women in the economy

Prof. Esther B. del Brío González

17:10 - 17:35 PM Table-07

The situation of women in the public sector. Proposal to move forward

Carmen Seisdedos Alonso

17:30 - 17:55 PM Table-07

Does immigration policy consider women?

Prof. Nuria del Álamo Gómez

17:55 - 18:15 PM Table-07

Special legal-procedural protection of women

Prof. Maria Inmaculada Sanchez Barrios

18:15 - 19:15 PM Tabl-08


Host: Prof. Julio López Abán Professor. University of Salamanca

19:15 - 20:00 PM

Closing Ceremony

About USAL Get to know USAL


Alfonso IX of León wanted to have higher education in his kingdom and for this reason he created the ‘scholas Salamanticae’ in 1218, the seed of the current University of Salamanca that has more than 800 years of uninterrupted history creating, promoting and disseminating knowledge.

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